Singing Guide: Up With People

Singing Guide: Up With People

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learn to Sing Like an Up With People Performer

Up With People is a global youth organization that has been promoting cultural understanding and positivity since 1965. The organization's musical performances showcase a mix of diverse cultures, dance, and songs that uplift and inspire. Here are some practical tips on how to learn singing like an Up With People performer.

Find Your Vocal Range

Before you start singing like an Up With People performer, it's important to know your vocal range. Singing Carrots offers a vocal range test that allows you to determine your vocal range and identify which Up With People songs suit your register.

Cultivate an Up With People Mindset

Singing like an Up With People performer entails not only hitting the right notes but also embodying the organization's values of respect, inclusivity, and positivity. Familiarize yourself with Up With People's mission and core values by browsing their website and watching their videos.

Listen to Up With People Songs

Listening to Up With People songs helps imbue you with the group's musical style and sound. Some of Up With People's songs that showcase their unique vocal style include:

  • "Sing - Bring It On Home"
  • "The World is a Rainbow"
  • "What Color is God's Skin?"

These songs can be found on the Up With People website.

Practice Vocal Techniques

Up With People's singing style embodies effective vocal techniques, including breath support, good posture, and proper vocal placement. Singing Carrots provides a wealth of resources, including:

These resources can help you improve your singing abilities.

Join Singing Carrots' Educational Course

If you're looking to start from scratch, Singing Carrots offers an educational singing course for beginners. The 21-lesson program covers singing theory, practical tips and techniques, progress tracking, and more.

Participate in Interactive Singing Games

Singing Carrots offers many interactive pitch training games that can help you improve your singing abilities while having fun. The games include pitch visualizers to help you match notes, exercises for range and agility and warm-up practices to help you prepare for live performances.

By following these tips, you'll be able to sing like an Up With People performer, not just by hitting the right notes but by also showcasing the group's values of respect, inclusivity, and positivity. Incorporating a mix of the resources provided by Singing Carrots can help you become a well-rounded and accomplished singer.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.